Breaking the Silence

Serving the Presbyterian Church of Australia in NSW, ACT, TAS & WA

Read and Review Training

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What is Read and Review Training?

Read and Review Training is the yearly refresher of the key aspects of the Breaking the Silence training. The Presbyterian Church of NSW requires that this refresher is completed by those working directly with children or young people as part of their role in the church. Read and Review Training is also strongly recommended for all people in a position of authority in the church. This training ensures that our leaders and children and youth ministry workers will have regular reminders of the information they need to know in order to help prevent and identify abuse in churches.

We recommend going through this package as a ministry group (eg. all Sunday School leaders/helpers, Pastoral Care team) at the beginning of each year before regular activities commence. The Read and Review Training reinforces the Breaking the Silence Foundations Training and does not substitute the full training. Foundations Training is still required every three years. Each church is responsible for ensuring leaders and helpers working directly with children and young people annually revise this package. It should be read together and any concerns related to the particular ministries should be discussed.