BTS Foundations Training is to be completed every three years by any person in a position of authority within the church, including all those working directly with children and young people.
The Foundations Online Training is the same course, delivered via video modules that cover each of the six training sections.
It has been designed to be done either in a group or as an individual. We continue to encourage church based groups training together as we find that people learn safe ministry best by working through these topics together.
However, we know that this is not always possible and have provided this training as an equivalent alternative for those needing to do BTS Foundations Training individually. People in this situation will be required to complete a quiz to demonstrate their understanding of the material.
At the end of the training, you’ll be required to complete a quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the material. For this reason, it will be helpful for you to underline key points and make good notes as you go through each section. You will need a score of 80% or higher to have your training recorded as satisfactorily completed, and can attempt the quiz again if needed.
Make sure all participants fill in a training attendance register. This will be signed off as complete and accurate by the Minister or BTS Representative and sent to the CPU as confirmation of the training.
You need to use the Foundations Training workbook throughout the training course. We advise printing the workbook so you can write in the spaces provided and make notes, or if viewing the workbook online have a way of making notes.
The course consists of six videos, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
You’ll be directed to the quiz once you have watched all of the training modules.
Please allow up to two weeks to receive confirmation and feedback on your quiz submission.
Please note: If you experience any technological difficulties with your quiz submission, please contact for assistance.
This training is primarily for leaders in NSW, ACT, WA or Tasmania, or those working with national ministry organisations such as APWM and PIM. Leaders from other states should refer to their own safe ministry unit for training requirements.
Queensland, SA and NT:
If you have questions resulting from this training please contact your minister or ministry leader or get in touch with us at the CPU on 02 9690 9325 or
Certificates will be issued once you have received confirmation that you have satisfactorily completed and passed the online training course. Our team will email your certificate to you as a PDF. If you regularly serve in external Christian ministry activities (eg. beach mission, non-PCNSW camps etc.) you may find it useful to have a certificate to provide as evidence of being trained in safe ministry. If you require your certificate and have not received it after passing the course and allowing two weeks for processing, then please contact